Schedule of Upcoming FDA Advisory Committee Meetings
Click HERE to view the Advisory Committee Calendar | FDA
The FDA frequently holds advisory committee meetings to obtain independent and expert advise on scientific, technical, and policy matters which involves drugs, devices, biologics, and much more.
Members of the USA Patient Network have attended many of these meetings in the past. We believe it is important for patients to attend and provide input, so we encourage you to frequently check the FDA
website for upcoming meetings that may interest you.

How to Get to FDA
FDA headquarters facilities are located in Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties in Maryland. Patient advocacy and public meetings take place at the White Oak Campus located in Silver Spring, MD. The White Oak Campus is located at:
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993
Click HERE for an overview of transportation options to the White Oak Campus.
I am in the Maryland/ DC area. Is there a cheaper way to get to FDA than taxi or uber?
FDA offers a shuttle bus service to the White Oak Campus that stops at several Metro stations:
College Park Metro, Glenmont Metro, Medical Center Metro, Shady Grove Metro, Silver Spring Metro, Twinbrook Metro, White Oak Campus
Click HERE to view the White Oak Campus Shuttle Bus Schedule.
Where do I go when I get to the Metro station?
Click HERE to view maps showing the White Oak Shuttle Bus stop location at each Metro station.
The weather is not great. Will FDA shuttle buses still run?
Click HERE for FDA's shuttle bus schedule in the event of inclement weather.