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About Us


The USA Patient Network consists of patients, caregivers, and their friends and family members that are united by a common goal:  to make sure that medical treatments are as safe, effective, and as affordable as possible.  Representing individuals from across the United States, we are educating ourselves and others about the treatment standards that are most important to us, including improving quality of life, and the symptoms and health outcomes that matter most to patients.  A major aspect of our work is to provide patients’ perspectives to federal agencies and medical and public health researchers. Unlike most patient groups, the USA Patient Network does not accept funding from pharmaceutical or medical device companies, or insurance companies.

The USA Patient Network is open to patients, caregivers, and their friends and family members who are independent voices on behalf of the needs of patients.  In addition to the members, the Network will include approximately 100 trained patient partners ready and willing to provide patient perspectives and feedback on research design and strategy issues to federal agencies and researchers whose work determines which outcome measures provide adequate evidence of the safety and effectiveness of treatments.


The USA Patient Network is planning to hold workshops, webinars, and other activities to train patients and caregivers to become engaged as patient activists on a national level.

Patient Network
Areas of interest:

Safer Medical Devices

Safer Prescription Drug Use 

Affordable Healthcare  

Patient Centered Treatments

Improved Research Design

and many more!

This website was partially supported through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Program Award.

Ⓒ 2021 USA Patient Network

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